Fortress Of The Mind Receives Rare 1642 Edition Of “On Duties”


The generosity of people never ceases to amaze me.

Mr. Zeljko Ivic, a patron of the arts, a lover of scholarship, and an enthusiastic reader of my translation of On Duties, has very generously gifted a rare 1642 Latin edition of Cicero’s famous treatise.  I am including the photographs of the book here, which I took today at my office.

I was truly moved by this act of selfless generosity, and feel honored to be the custodian of this timeless work.

Today was one of those days that illustrates the point that when you put good things into the world, the world reciprocates.

The book itself was printed in Leiden, Holland, in 1642.  It had only recently been sold by a collector, and by some miracle Zeljko was able to gain access to it.

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