The Preface To “Centuries”: A Podcast Reading

My new collection of essays, Centuries, was published on June 23, 2024. It contains all pieces published between 2020 and 2023. The book is currently available in both paperback and Kindle, and a hardcover version will be coming shortly. This podcast is a reading from the book’s preface. It distills some of the ideas I consider most important.

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“Centuries” Is Now Available

Centuries, the complete collection of my essays from 2020 to 2023, was released today. The Kindle and paperback versions are currently available, and the hardcover version will be available in the coming days. The essays deal with varied topics in moral philosophy, history, and biography. In addition to essays, the volume also includes a special collection of aphorisms and maxims under the chapter “Gnomology.” An enduring source of practical wisdom and inspiration, these timeless writings are unified by, and imbued with, a passionate belief in direct experience, moral structure, and endurance in adversity. The full table of contents can be found here.

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