Michael Crichton Sobre As Virtudes Masculinas De Sean Connery

[The article I published yesterday on Sean Connery was translated into Portuguese by Mr. Daniel Castro].

Tradução por Daniel Castro.

Em suas memórias de 1988 Travels, o autor Michael Crichton lembra-se da época que ele passou com o ator Sean Connery durante as filmagens de The Great Train Robbery na Irlanda em 1978. Crichton, o famoso autor de Jurassic Park, Sphere, Congo, Disclosure, e algumas outras histórias populares, também era um diretor de filmes. Connery era a estrela de The Great Train Robbery, e Crichton claramente estava impressionado com o escocês vulcânico.  As anedotas que ele relaciona ao carisma masculino de Connery deixam claro que os homens hoje em dia podem aprender muito com ele.

[Leia o restante o artigo aqui].

Michael Crichton On The Masculine Virtues Of Sean Connery

In his 1988 memoir Travels, author Michael Crichton recalls the time he spent with actor Sean Connery during the shooting of the film The Great Train Robbery in Ireland in 1978.  Crichton, the famed author of Jurassic Park, Sphere, Congo, Disclosure, and a number of other popular novels, was also once a film director.  Connery was the star of The Great Train Robbery, and Crichton clearly was in awe of the volcanic Scotsman.  The anecdotes he relates of Connery’s masculine charisma make it clear that men today can learn a great deal from him.

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Are Psychic Phenomena Real? (Podcast)


In every culture in every historical age, there has been interest in some version of psychic phenomena.

But are these phenomena “real,” or simply delusions?

And how can it help us in our quest for answers?  I offers some suggestions based on my own travels, studies, and experiences.

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